Chapter 253: Chenyu Arrives

The six officers knew in their hearts what Director Liu meant by "educate" was actually a lesson for Fang Bai and his two companions.

The interrogation of Fang Bai was carried out by two officers, one fat and one thin.

Since it was Fang Bai who had injured Fang Kun, Director Liu specifically reminded the fat and thin officers to give Fang Bai "special attention."

The two officers were Director Liu's trusted enforcers. Getting the hint, they locked the door behind them, handcuffed Fang Bai's hands behind him to a chair, took his cell phone and other items from his person, dropped them on a desk, and then stood in front of Fang Bai, each brandishing a police baton.

"What are you trying to do?"

Fang Bai looked up at the two men as if he had no idea that he was about to be struck with the batons.

"What are we going to do? Heh heh..."

The fat and thin officers exchanged a glance and burst into unrestrained laughter.