Chapter 260: President Xia Gives a Gift (Part 1)

In front of everyone, Fang Bai couldn't ask Xia Chenyu outright what she was up to, so he had to start by introducing his own parents and relatives.

"This is my eldest uncle, this is my second uncle, this is my youngest aunt... This is my eldest cousin brother, this is my second cousin sister, this is my cousin brother..."

As Fang Bai introduced each of his relatives present, Xia Chenyu smiled, nodded, and said a polite "hello."

Driving an expensive car and dressed in designer brands, plus her stunning looks and her extraordinary aura, Xia Chenyu clearly appeared to come from a wealthy and prestigious family. Her simple "hello" left people like Fang Qiang feeling flattered and slightly awed.

"This is my dad, my mom, my little sister..."

After introducing the relatives, Fang Bai finally pointed to his own family and introduced them.