Chapter 262: Are They Boyfriend and Girlfriend?

Could it be that she truly wishes to become the daughter-in-law of the Fang Family?

At this thought, Fang Bai's heart couldn't help but skip a beat, looking at Xia Chenyu with her angelic face and devilish figure, he thought that having a woman with an Innate Spiritual Root would not be bad, if she was willing to become his cultivation partner in the future.

The path of the martial dao is not only long, but also full of dangers and hardships, having someone by one's side means not feeling too lonely and isolated.

However, there are conditions for becoming cultivation partners, and it's not just any male and female martial artist who can do so.

Firstly, it requires that the physiques of the male and female do not conflict; for example, a martial artist with a Water Spirit Root cannot cultivate together with someone with a Fire Spirit Root, as it would not only be of no benefit to their cultivation, but could actually be harmful.