Chapter 270: I'm Not a Child

Ye Wumei had recently learned from Fang Bai that like herself, Xia Chenyu had not only been saved by Fang Bai but had also received his teachings, which turned her into a Martial Artist.

Ye Wumei originally thought that she had a closer relationship with Fang Bai, but she hadn't expected that Xia Chenyu also had multiple layers of relationship with him, including being one of the shareholders in Xia Chenyu's company. This realization made her feel a sense of crisis, so she especially cherished the opportunities to be with Fang Bai.

Fang Bai had saved Ye Wumei's life from the Wrathful Beauties, but this matter was only known to a few core members of the Ye Family. At this moment, the four bodyguards protecting Ye Wumei were members from the side branches of the Ye Family, not qualified to participate in core family affairs, and therefore did not know much about Fang Bai.