Chapter 283: Lawless


Fang Bai sat on the sofa on the north side of the rest area, and facing him were the regular TV news figure Mayor Lu, his own boss Cheng Dihaou, and the imposing Director Shen of the Zhongzhou City Police Station, who had nothing to do but stand.

Seeing such a situation, Brother Wolf and Abiao, among others, felt their hearts skip a beat, as a foreboding premonition arose within them.

Cheng Dihaou was an underworld figure in Zhongzhou City, known for his shrewd gaze. Noticing his two subordinates looking as miserable as drenched chickens, and their eyes filled with both fear and hatred towards Fang Bai, he knew right away that a conflict had occurred between them.

"Huang Lang, Abiao, you two idiots, get over here!"

Cheng Dihaou glanced at Fang Bai, saw the cold light in his eyes, and his eyelids involuntarily twitched as he barked harshly.

Huang Lang and Abiao looked at each other, then, bracing themselves, walked up to Cheng Dihaou and said in unison, "Boss!"
