Chapter 285: Sin Unbounded

"Mayor Lu's point makes sense. I'll leave it to Mayor Lu to assign someone for the investigation; I'll head home and wait for the news!"

Shen Dongxing said as he strode out, hurrying to leave the "Dihao Entertainment Club."

With years of experience under his belt, Shen Dongxing knew that Cheng Dihaou revealing so much about him had certainly aroused Lu Xinghe's suspicions. If Lu Xinghe decided to launch an investigation, all the dealings between him and Cheng Dihaou would be thoroughly exposed, and everything would be over.

The reason Shen Dongxing was so eager to leave was that he feared being caught once his crimes were revealed.

After two decades in the police force, Shen Dongxing was painfully aware of his own wrongdoings. If caught, he would undoubtedly face a severe sentence and might even die in prison. Despite the Shen Family's influence in Huaxia, they wouldn't be able to save him.