Chapter 293: Lingering like a shadow

The two women's icy, merciless gazes pierced through the two holes in their skull masks, fixed intently on Fang Bai and Ye Wumei. The foot-long daggers they gripped tightly in their hands drew two streaks of white light through the air, attacking both Ye Wumei and Fang Bai separately.

Ye Wumei, having just narrowly escaped death under the sudden assault of the darts, saw the two attackers approaching and, in her irritation, clenched her fist, ready to confront them. However, Fang Bai stepped in her way.

"You're no match for them, find somewhere safe to hide!"

Fang Bai whispered sharply and, without waiting for Ye Wumei to respond, he flickered and faced the two approaching women.

Based on the women's attire, their method of attack, and the fact that they had targeted him and Ye Wumei, Fang Bai surmised they were very likely members of "Wrathful Beauties."