Chapter 331: Panicked and Frustrated

"This slap is a warning for you, remember to watch your mouth next time! Otherwise, I'll keep hitting you until you learn to speak properly!"

Fang Bai looked at Jiang Fenglian who stood dumbfounded, still not having snapped out of her shock, and sneered.

His strike just now was as fast as lightning; even Wang Dong, a Yellow Level intermediate martial artist, hadn't seen how Fang Bai had made his move. All he noticed was a blur before his eyes, and then his mother was slapped.

Jiang Fenglian was stupefied by Fang Bai's unexpected slap, standing there agape, and it took her a moment to come to her senses.

"How dare you slap me... Dong'er, what are you dazed for? Beat this little bastard, this son of a bitch, to death for me!"

Jiang Fenglian descended from a prominent family and had lived with dignity for over forty years; she had never been slapped before and was now filled with shame and rage.