Chapter 339: Do you believe me, or the two National Doctors?

Upon reaching the exterior of the grand hotel, Fang Bai and the other four split into two sedans. With Jiang Huaihe and his wife's sedan leading the way, they dashed towards Yanjing Friendship Hospital like a gust of wind.

Sun Lin, despite having a luxury car of her own, squeezed into the ordinary sedan with her daughter and Fang Bai, claiming that she hadn't seen her daughter in a long time and wanted to chat more.

In fact, Sun Lin wanted to use this opportunity to get closer to Fang Bai. She thought that if she could win over such a promising young man, it could be an immense boost for the Ye Family.

Ye Wumei was smart as ice and snow, seeing through her mother's intentions at a glance. Although she didn't like her mother's opportunistic ways, she felt comforted seeing her mother laughing and talking with Fang Bai.