Chapter 341: Waiting for You to Wake Up…


At the scene, aside from Ye Wumei, no one could see clearly where Fang Bai had brought out the small box. They all looked surprised, but Ye Wumei, who knew the secret of Fang Bai's Spatial Ring, was unfazed.

"Can this… really work?"

Upon seeing the five needles in the small box, as thin as strands of hair, Zhao Xinran faintly understood that Fang Bai was planning to perform acupuncture on her daughter, yet she could not fathom any connection between acupuncture and breast cancer.

Acupuncture is indeed miraculous, capable of treating ailments like headaches, fevers, and pains in the waist and legs. But using it to treat breast cancer… How could that be possible?

Not just Zhao Xinran but even Jiang Huaihe, upon seeing the Five Elements Acupuncture Set before him, felt it was quite absurd.