Chapter 55 What era is it still traditional to go downstairs_1

[Current Location: Star of Mutation]

[Level: 1]

[Difficulty: ordinary]

[Task: Within five hours, kill the boss: Evolver.]

[Description: A virus brought by a meteorite from beyond the sky decimated the Empire in three days, extirpating civilization and reducing everything to ruins.

Within this breeding ground for mutated life, the Roots Core continually grows, sapping the strength of the planet...

Nurturing it.]

[Friendly Reminder: Free exploration, withdrawal from the abyss is possible at any time (requires one minute of preparation time).]

In the profound cosmos, even the stars could only emit a faint glow.

Within the range of this light, the surface of a light green planet could be seen marked by stretches of verdant traces.

Upon closer inspection, these traces turned out to be massive green vines rooted in the planet, forcibly splitting open the earth to create deep chasms.

These chasms were like scars on the planet, turning it into a fissured stone sphere.