Chapter 118: The Deity in the Deep Sea_2

An archaeologist followed at Jiang Chen's side, holding a world map and circled a section of the ocean.

"This is the deepest trench known to mankind."

"At the same time, it is also the capital location recorded in the undersea civilization."

"Due to the unique environmental conditions of this area, several maritime disasters have occurred here, and many believe that the unrest of the undersea civilization's spirits is to blame..."

"If the Sea Deity is somewhere in the ocean, this area is the most likely."

Jiang Chen listened quietly.

Unlike the supreme deity monsters that appeared regularly.

The rest of the "gods" may not all be real, and some could have been exaggerated through misrepresentation.

Moreover, just like the supreme deity monsters that slept deep within the earth, the locations of these creatures' slumber were extremely secretive and hard to find.

Jiang Chen needed the archaeologists' help even more to lock onto his target.