Chapter 398 Jiu'er: Is This Reasonable?

Kafney and Salvatore were outside among the elven ruins, speaking with the ghostly form of Bofis.

Lin Yiyi and Jiu'er were on an adventure in their nightmare, neither tense nor thrilling.

—Or one might also call it tourism.

"This is like a recreation simulator, absolutely love it."

Lin Yiyi commented.

In her hand, she held snacks she had bought from the roadside.

They were skewers of meat with a texture similar to tough chicken or duck.

Each skewer had about seven or eight chunks of meat—the kind that includes skin.

The skin part was slightly charred, even somewhat crispy. The meat was firm, juicy, exhibiting a strange umami... and a subtle earthy taste.

The grilling setup was similar to those roadside lamb skewer setups, with many different muscle parts on display, and the vendor was a middle-aged elven man.

Of course, when she said "bought," she actually hadn't spent any money.