Chapter 460: The Uninterfered Object


Annan had heard this term before, which was a special term from ancient Greek astrologers.

The root of this term came from one-third of the Greek goddess of night, Nyx, known as "the goddess of cause and consequence and fate," Hemamene.

In ancient Greece, "fate" was an unavoidable destiny, binding even the gods. The astrologers of ancient Greece proposed a concept... the "universal fate," their "Hemamene."

The reason why a person was a human instead of a dog or a tree, why he was male instead of female, why he had blonde hair instead of black hair, and why his blood type was A instead of O, was all decided by his Hemamene.

The "universal fate" that one is born with and cannot be changed by acquired luck, is the Hemamene of a "creature." When this concept entered Gnosticism, it became a formidable, absolute fate imposed by the creator.