Chapter 32 Let me, the victim, teach you, isn't that inappropriate?

Isaac had never imagined that there could actually be Soul Snatching Wizards who hadn't learned the Spell to steal memories.

Among all the Spells of the Soul Snatching School, extracting memories was the most meaningful effect.

Or rather, the other Spells of the Soul Snatching School either needed the memory extraction Spell to coordinate and assist... or they were the preparatory steps specifically done to extract someone else's memories.

Once in possession of this Spell, combined with the Soul Snatching School's ability to change another person's cognition, one could seamlessly take the place of anyone... that is, fundamentally replacing that person. Logically, stealing his parents, friends, job, social status, and all personal wealth.

If it were modern times, it would be the equivalent of quietly obtaining all of that person's passwords; even though it is not yet the digital age, passwords still have their necessity... The most important of these is the nightmare password.