Chapter 6 Escape_1

...this fur actually has a protective function... Colin reached out his hand again to send another guard flying, then reached out to grab another.

Although these guards seemed to have undergone some training, they were no match for Colin, barely stronger than a three-year-old child.


After pressing him against the wall, a series of bone-cracking noises immediately emanated from his fragile body.

Colin also noticed that this guard seemed to be one of the Warden's subordinates from a few hours ago.

He had drawn his sword against me, he dared to draw his sword against me, this damn ant dared to show hostility towards me!

Just a little more force...

Squash him to death!

The tyrant aura in Colin's eyes flickered, and images flashed through his mind: biting off the opponent's head, crushing his body, blood splattering, bathing in a crimson scene.

A wave of intense satisfaction surged within him.

No, this isn't right...

Although I no longer look human, covered in ominous red fur, maiming people with a single touch, I know I am still a good person...

I am not a beast!

Colin paused, as reason reclaimed its hold in his pitch-black, vertical pupils, forcibly shifting his focus away from his violent desires.


He released his hand, casually throwing aside the person with fractures in his arms, ribs, scapula, and several other places.

If not necessary, he didn't want to kill, only planning to defeat them and then escape from the dungeon to find his colleagues.

Of course, if it was necessary to act, he wouldn't show mercy.

But that decision must come from his own will, not from a madness that controlled him.

But at that moment, a chill ran through Colin's heart, and an image of a long sword piercing through him from behind appeared in his mind.

An ambush!

Without hesitation, Colin moved aside in the blink of an eye and saw the Warden, two meters tall and just a bit smaller than himself, thrusting a sword at him.

The long sword passed through Colin, but it didn't injure him, only cutting a few stiff hairs.

Such a quick reaction?

The Warden was shocked, surprised that Colin had dodged his attack, and then something else occurred to him—

Some of the Second Order wanderers with "Beast Transformation Syndrome" outside also had a similar sharp alertness.

It seemed like they had the instinct to preemptively sense attacks from any angle.

It's just that most of the time, foreknowledge was useless because he was stronger than his opponents, but the current situation was obviously the other way around...

Seizing the interval when the Warden's old strength was gone and new strength hadn't yet emerged, Colin slapped out a palm, directly knocking the Warden's sword from his hand.

Then pulling back his claws, he clenched his fists and pounded down like a tempest.

In dealing with this one, he didn't hold back much, and he dared not afford much mercy.

Initially, the Warden could fend off the onslaught of fists that were like tsunamis, but gradually he began to falter, huddling over with his head in his hands to take the beating.

What gnawed at the Warden more than his physical despair was that while being battered, he was also having non-existent slander poured over him!

"I'll make you regret not letting me go! I'll make you pay for reinforcing the cage, for sending me to the Holy Healing Church!"

"Damn you for having your brat get the better of me! For fucking not caring when your subordinates fight!"

"That's it? Too weak, too weak, too weak!"

When did I ever do such a thing???

While parrying, the Warden complained inwardly until he couldn't help but shout, "When have I ever done such things?!"

However, what responded to him was a heavy kick from Colin.

His kick sent Colin flying out.

"Damn, I feel so much better now..."

After venting for a full three minutes, Colin felt much more relaxed.

He let out a long sigh, paid no heed to the guard's status, and didn't bother to engage further, heading straight for the corner of the stairs.

Guided by certain scents, he had sniffed out the presence of an exit, a route vaguely taking shape in his mind...

"This ability is a bit OP..."

Colin muttered to himself and sprinted along the envisioned path, quickly arriving at the stairwell's corner.

It seemed there was nothing behind the slightly ajar door...

But as Colin approached, one person from each side, armed with a spear, lunged at him.

Colin, who had already detected the presence of people behind the door through their scent, was prepared; he didn't use any fancy powers, just slapped the spears away, and bolted towards the exit under the startled gazes of the guards.

During his escape, he also gained a rough understanding of the building's structure, a dungeon with three subterranean levels.

There were probably only about a hundred prison cells.

Apart from Colin's level, the first and second sub-levels also held some common criminals.

Upon seeing Colin, these criminals screamed in terror, some even soiled themselves, and a foul stench filled the air—

Anyone woken from a pleasant dream to a ringing alarm, only to see a monstrous beast, would not fare well.

However, Colin didn't pay much mind to them. After breaking through several blockades, he made it straight to the dungeon's final door much more easily than he had anticipated...

But as he pushed open the final door and saw the scene outside, a look of human astonishment crossed Colin's face.

Outside the door was an open space, devoid of other structures, just five stone pillars lit with flame arranged in a pentagram at the cave's entrance...

What surprised Colin was that the flames on the pillars weren't large, but the light was extraordinarily bright, illuminating the surroundings within a hundred-meter radius.

Yes, at least a hundred meters!

Colin compared it internally to the hundred-meter track at school.

Beyond the light of the flames was an unusually dense darkness.

The boundary between light and dark was not a gradual transition like on Earth, but rather seemed to be separated by an inexplicable barrier, with everything within the light clear and everything beyond it shrouded in darkness, distinctly separated, with no zone of dim light in between.

Moreover, no stars, no moon, nothing at all was visible in the night sky; it seemed as if the darkness had swallowed everything beyond the light.

It was when Colin focused his gaze and attention on the darkness before him.

A surge of fear welled up inside him, like a tumultuous torrent, engulfing his entire being.

So much so that his huge body actually began to tremble...

It was as if an obscure "danger" sign appeared above his head.

There was great horror in the night sky above!

"It's not me who's scared, it's this body..."

Colin could clearly sense that the fear wasn't his own, but came from his body...

Only when he looked away did the overwhelming fear gradually recede.

Nevertheless, this made Colin give up on the idea of plunging into the darkness and fleeing directly.

Because doing so would be certain death.

The scene outside also made Colin understand why the prison had so few guards; with the situation outside as it was, even if prisoners escaped, they wouldn't know where to flee.

Thinking of those prisoners, Colin turned to glance at the dungeon's downward-sloping staircase.

The urgent ringing of bells was still audible, and noises from below could be heard, but no one else was coming up to stop him...

Not only was there no attempt to stop him...

They even closed the doors between floors, as if to prevent him from returning to the prison.