Chapter 19 You Died That Night._1

"Colin, an ordinary salaryman who has lost his dreams."

Colin didn't harbor much disdain for Liu Dun and the others. He knew that they had already lost themselves amidst the cunning locals' deceitfully attractive calls of 'handsome boy'."

Most of them were likely the type who stayed at home and hardly ever went out. Online, they could speak with confidence, but offline, many were a bit introverted or even had a sense of inferiority. They had trouble speaking fluently when meeting people outside...otherwise, they wouldn't have been labeled as society's fringe...

Even without the influence of unknown bewitchment, they were probably no match for the constant praise of 'Brave Ones,' not to mention with the bewitchment.

Especially that sweet "Honorable Brave" coming from the rotting series girl that just made these guys go blank and fall directly into the trap.

If not for being prepared, he wouldn't have been much better off.

"Hehe, buddy, you don't have to be so modest. To be here, you must certainly be one in ten thousand talents, otherwise, what qualifications would ordinary people have to be summoned?"

"Overrated, overrated, the world is so dangerous, I will still need to rely on you guys to take care of me..." Colin kept a very low profile.

"Don't worry!" Liu Dun felt Colin was very compliant and patted his shoulder. "Although I still don't know your specialty, as long as I'm alive, I'll definitely keep you safe."

Colin felt a tingle in his scalp, almost losing his composure, he secretly took a breath to suppress the surging embarrassment inside. It wouldn't be good if he revealed any flaws.

He had a certain confidence in self-protection...

But as for these people? Well, that was another story; these eight were, unsurprisingly, just ordinary people.

Thinking that dead people would lower the score, Colin became serious. Not that he cared about the score, but rather—the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

However, one of the transmigrators with dyed blond hair seemed to have heard their conversation, turned his head and said arrogantly, "Beauties are only worthy of the strong. Sister Elisa is mine! I'm telling you in advance for your sake, so you don't get too heartbroken later."

"What did you say?!"

"Calm down, both of you. Let me be objective, women only hinder us from building a bright future, my suggestion is..."

"Shut up!"

Noisy quarrels were about to erupt, and as Colin occasionally chimed in from the sidelines, he also contemplated the questions he had before.

What was the true purpose of the people of this world in summoning them?

If they wanted to act, why not do it now?

The "villagers" alone numbered several hundreds in plain sight...

If a conflict ensued.

The advantage would clearly be theirs.

If it were Chairman Chiang in command, a total assault would already be underway.

Amidst the low arguing, the group walked into the Church and then towards the depths of the chapel.

At that moment, the nun in the white cult robes turned around with a blush and embarrassment on her face, "Oh dear, honorable heroes, I apologize. Please don't argue over me... I'm not worth it... Oh, here's the Church Treasury. I will fetch some Purification Water from the Holy Spring for you, so I'll take my leave now..."

The beautiful nun bowed in apology and then left gracefully.

Their gazes followed her until she was gone, then returned to what was in front of them...

Ahead, at the end of the road, stood a pair of large double doors.

When the group arrived, guards in armor on both sides pushed the doors open together.

A pale gold light symbolizing wealth spilled out from the gap in the doors...

Then, as the doors opened wide, Colin and the others saw one after another the dazzling treasures behind the massive doors.

A cross sword emitting a silver glow embedded in a stone block; a longbow surrounded by a green healing aura; a blood-red axe entwined with a scarlet aura; a knight's armor exuding a heavy majesty; a magic wand flickering with lightning...and so on and so forth.

Many "Holy Artifacts" were piled within.

Not to mention anything else, the visual effects felt very impressive, clearly indicating even at first glance that those items were no ordinary objects.

The old Priest in the red clerical robe spoke, "Honorable Heroes... these are the 'Holy Artifacts' prepared for you, treasures that only the honorable heroes can wield. Please take them and save the world..."

Just listening to this made Colin feel as if his intelligence had been violated.

Yet the eight "Heroes" didn't doubt a thing and walked in together; with no other choice, Colin followed them into the room to select items.

The Red-Robed Bishop stood at the door without entering, watching the figures of the group entering, his gaze suddenly becoming vacant.

Upon entering the room, Colin noticed that the other eight were enveloped in a transparent aura that emerged around them, bathed in the "divine artifact effect's" glow.

This aura gave Colin the sensation of amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus.

It seemed like something they came with to this world.

However, as soon as one of the "Heroes" pulled the cross sword from the stone pedestal, this "amniotic fluid" burst like it had been pierced, instantly flowing away.

It seemed only at this moment...

did he truly and completely arrive into this world.

"Is this the reason they have been holding back? Are they wary of this aura?"

Colin contemplated, realizing he seemed to have a similar aura about him.

After a moment's hesitation, he stood up and walked around inside the treasury, occasionally staring at a piece of equipment, nodding, or sizing it up as if he was carefully choosing...

Meanwhile, in his mind, he directly used the [Book of Fate: Fragment] that had entered his brain.

Colin wanted to see what would happen next.

[Under the watchful eye of those drowned corpse bishops behind you, everyone chose an item. To avoid exposure, you also picked one.]

[As you expected, you felt like you truly arrived in this world.]

[After selecting the weapons, you thought the enemy would attack, but instead, news came from outside about monsters invading and Sister Talisa being surrounded; at the Drowning Corpse Bishop's earnest request, you went to support the southern side of the town.]

[The battle, for others, was full of surprises but no dangers; for you, however, it was as harmless as playing house...]

[The victory feast began, and you managed to avoid eating the suspicious food by storing it in the 'Storage Room'...]

[Throughout the process, you tried to understand what the mysterious antagonist was after with this bewildering behavior...]

[Unfortunately, due to the lack of key information, you were never able to fully grasp their motives.]

[The only thing you were certain of is that they were up to no good, and the situation seemed vaguely related to a deceased former colleague.]

[You were always on the alert for an attack by the enemy zombies, but unexpectedly, during the banquet, a "Hero" you had a fairly good relationship with suddenly stabbed you in the lower back.]

[At that moment, a horde of drowned corpses surged at you with an onslaught...]

[Only then did you realize you had been discovered long ago; the "Heroes" had unwittingly been mind-controlled into believing you were a traitor...]

[With the severe injury from the backstabbing, you immediately activated the 'Beast Transformation Syndrome' and transformed into a red, ominous creature, slaughtering your attackers and fighting your way out with the help of multiple powerful items at hand...]

[It seemed the mysterious antagonist hadn't realized your strength and left behind a trail of their presence.]

[Through the 'Decoding Lenses' and your own sense of smell, you locked onto the general location of the antagonist.]

[They were hiding in a certain area beneath the expanse of land...]

[Though you didn't know exactly how they identified you as an undercover agent, from some lingering scents, you were sure that they were likely no match for you.]

[Once you found their location, you were confident you could kill them...]

[However, the surprise attack had left you with severe injuries, rendering you unable to move. After hiding in a safe area, your consciousness began to blur, reason faded, and you edged towards madness...]

[You died on that night.]