Chapter 25 Cunning Otherworlder!_1


Hearing the screams, the Gigantic Human Patchwork Monster seemed very pleased. On that possum-like back, each face that had had its eyes gouged out, weeping blood tears, now bore a creeping smile.

"Scream! Go on, scream! Only fools like you would believe in some summoning from an Other World, believing that once here, you will become Heroes who defeat everything, believing that you will become revered figures worshipped by this world..."

"You don't really think you're some kind of saviors, do you? What gives you such confidence? Hahaha..."

When the Human Patchwork Monster spoke, dozens of faces on his back opened their mouths simultaneously, emitting a confusing, overlapping cackle that made one's head spin and eyes blur.

As he spoke, he brandished a sharp blade, carving a network of shallow cuts across the surface of the "Hero's" body, as if slicing a steak.

Strangely enough, although the cuts were deep enough to expose flesh, very little blood oozed out.

"Help, let me go...uuuh, it hurts, please stop torturing me, kill me, ah, kill me, ahhh!! Mommy!"

"Kill you? Hahaha, how could I? Without your spiritual resonance and fleshly materials, how would I open the gates of flesh to your world? You should feel fortunate, fortunate to become a part of me, to become part of the foundation of great success..."

"When everything is ready, I will set foot on that land..."

"Compared to here, it is simply paradise, with no lack of food, where everyone lives in a world untroubled by black fog and disasters, and there is the sun. In your memories, I even saw the 'sun' that no longer exists, how beautiful it is..."

"Yet you abandoned it? Just because some summoning chant called you Heroes? Hahahaha, to abandon such a privileged world for such a reason, to turn your back on the warmth of the sun..."

"Wanting to come 'save' us, the primitive natives without enlightenment? To convey to us advanced and noble values and thinking? Just because you are modern people, thinking that, failing to accomplish anything over there, you can ascend to a godly throne here? Hahaha, this is the biggest joke I've heard. Dreaming in broad daylight, aren't we? Hahaha..."

"With that kind of thinking, even if you truly came to this world and didn't encounter me, if you met those of the Church Tribunal, you'd be branded a Heretic, and die a miserable death. They won't be as wise as I, to let you die with value, with meaning, hahahahaha..."

"A bunch of damned ants! Why, with your kind of inferior people, can you enjoy Him, enjoy the warmth and blessings of the sun?"

The Gigantic Human Patchwork Monster was fickle in mood, and at this moment suddenly flew into a rage, "Why?! Why does the sun abandon us, abandon those deeply faithful to Him, abandon this land?!"

With that, the Human Patchwork Monster suddenly paused, then casually threw the "Hero" on the cutting board into a cage filled with coarse salt stained with blood.

At once, a hoarse and piercing scream came forth, the large grains of salt aggravating his wounds and making him roll and wail in the salt pit, quickly turning into a blood-soaked figure.

Seeing this scene, he once again revealed a smile, dancing and laughing wildly.

In the shadows, Colin narrowed his eyes, contemplating seizing the opportunity to take action, but he saw the opponent suddenly stop laughing, the tone of voice shifting.

"Speaking of which, one of you snuck in this time. I noticed his anomaly the moment you entered. Among the nine people, only he was standing outside the altar's position. It's laughable he hasn't even realized yet. I originally thought to strike at the feast, but unfortunately, he suddenly became cautious. Such a sudden reaction suggests that he might have learned something..."

"If not for some experiences, letting me know that he might have a method to foresee the future, I might have continued my attack, but luckily, I withdrew in time..."

"Hahaha, I bet he doesn't understand that there's a fatal weakness to using that thing, those who foresee the future are invariably wary of it. His sudden caution confirmed for me that he may have discovered something; moreover, he didn't withdraw even after discovering it, indicating his power must be above mine, and if I continued the attack, I could very well be counter-killed..."

"However, that kind of foresight requires that there be direct or indirect contact between me and him. As long as I remove all my affairs, then he wouldn't be able to observe me in his foresight. Hahaha, foolish, vile outsiders, in dealing with and understanding the mysterious, I am far superior to you!"

"Besides, there is one more thing..."

At that, the Gigantic Patchwork Monster's tone paused, and Colin, waiting for it to continue, eager to freeload knowledge from the Book of Fate, suddenly had a vision in his mind—

Dozens of arms reached out of the darkness to embrace him around the waist.

Had he been spotted?

All this talk just to fish me out?

Cunning Other Worlder!

Colin calmly drew his revolver and aimed behind him, pulling the trigger three times in rapid succession.

Bang bang bang!


A scream rang out.

Colin quickly rolled to the side and turned to look behind him, only to find the Human Patchwork Monster that had been in the kitchen now appeared behind him.

"It can teleport..."

Because of its massive size, the three shots he had just fired without aiming had still hit their mark, creating three blood-gushing holes in the twisted body.

"A gun?!"

Several of the Human Patchwork Monster's hands covered the wounds gushing blood, as if it had some understanding of the weapon that had injured it.

Colin was not surprised by this, as he had long suspected that this creature had captured more than one group of people.

However, at that moment, he noticed that when the creature spoke, all of its eyeballs suddenly locked onto him.

This is bad, those three shots didn't seem to affect it much. It's pretending to be badly injured to catch me off guard. This thing... likes to talk to distract its prey... Colin sensed trouble, and indeed, the next second, a sharp pain shot through his brain, causing his entire figure to stagger.

His brain was boiling!!!

Colin's eyes reddened with burst blood vessels, and his head grew hotter and hotter. Clenching his teeth, he raised his gun to shoot, but this time, because of dizziness and headache, he couldn't hit his target at all.

The strong sensation of vertigo hit him wave after wave, making the world spin before his eyes...

Colin bit down on his teeth without panicking, reached into his pocket, grabbed a handful of powdery substance, and flung it roundly at the monster's head.

The concocted quicklime powder heated up upon contact with the large group of eyeballs on the monster's head, emitting a large amount of steam.


The Human Patchwork Monster clutched its head and screamed miserably, blood seeping from its head and eyeballs, quickly washing away the effect of the quicklime.

However, this interruption broke the continuous onslaught of the mental attacks.

Looking at the Human Patchwork Monster clutching its head and howling...

Colin felt tempted, thinking that if he pounced on it now to narrow the distance and use Time Stop, he could kill it instantly.


Despite the monster's aura undoubtedly indicating that it was the real thing, its actions were severely inconsistent with the caution it had exhibited earlier.

Knowing how cautious and cunning it was, if it had foreseen the future, getting close might very well mean walking into a trap.

"No, by the habits of this creature, it shouldn't confront me directly. If it were the original, it should have commanded a large number of zombies to attack while hiding in the back instead. Looking at it now, it seems like it's intentionally revealing a flaw."

As thoughts flickered through Colin's mind, he chose to back away, continuing to increase the distance between them.

His formidable strength gave him the capacity to continue parrying and gather more information.

Meanwhile, all the faces on the Human Patchwork Monster's body opened their mouths, and an invisible sound spread, vibrating the air.

Suddenly, Colin felt a tingling on his scalp. As he looked up, all the drowned corpses above him turned to look at him, conveying deep malice through their pale eyeballs.

Then, one after another, they unhooked themselves from the ceiling and fell down.





ps: I will be taking a 3-day break on the 29th, 30th, and 31st of this month. Regular updates will resume on March 1st. Please be advised.​