Chapter 33 When the Night Comes..._1

Three days passed, and it was Sunday at twelve noon.

Colin received a message on the parchment right on time.

[The "Office" permission has been activated, which can be used in reality when not on a mission, allowing you to bring subordinates who have signed contracts with you into the office.]

[Currently, you have signed with 3 people, and you can let them enter the office at any time.]

"Li Ming, Lin Yilan, Tang Ken, all three of those guys agreed?"

Colin thought for a moment and did not rush to call them in, instead deciding to familiarize himself with this function first.

The moment he activated the function, his mind went blank. When he came to his senses, he was already in an office that was almost identical to Miss Bunny's.

However, this time, he was sitting at the rear of the office, and the desk did not have those mountainous piles of various company files.

With a single thought, the desk drawer slid out and then snapped shut on its own.