Chapter 41 The Stale Bread_1

"Abdominal bloating and ascites due to indigestible food?"

Colin saw a slender-limbed child gnawing on a block of wood, biting it into pieces and then swallowing it carefully into his stomach.

His height was less than 1.2 meters, yet he had a belly bigger than a basketball, with his navel protruding.

Colin had only seen the likes of these people in pictures related to hunger in Africa.

"Is there a famine nearby, or has something happened?"

As Colin walked among the disaster victims, he looked around thoughtfully and noticed that many trees along the path had been stripped of their bark, and the ground was full of pits without a single blade of grass in sight.

Every edible thing within view had been cleaned out by the refugees...

What was more unsettling was that some of the refugees with limbs still intact cast vulture-like gazes at the injured and dying people, as if they were waiting for something.

The atmosphere in this area was oppressively somber and frightening.