Chapter 52 Seeking Help_1

[Event 23: By all means, persist in surviving until the countdown for "Event 5" ends.]

Remark: A special reward will be granted upon completion of this event.


"Hiss, a task within a task? What's the point of this task appearing, though? It's not helpful at all, no, wait..."

Colin was seated on the ground, eating something while holding the "Gluttony Power Mark," and he diverted his attention from the strange sensation in his stomach by thinking.

He quickly realized that this event seemed to be guiding him in some way.

It was as if it were indicating, "Don't try to escape, don't try to fight, just endure, and all problems will be resolved on the seventh day."

This gave Colin, who had just been seriously injured and didn't know what to do next, some ideas.

"If there's no need for a direct confrontation or escape, and I just have to hold on, then, seven days might not be out of reach."