Chapter 50 Attempted Escape_1

At midnight, a small hotel, on the third floor.

Colin, lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and furrowed his brow, feeling a sense of unease, as if something were about to happen.

"What's wrong?" Tang Ken, who was also in the room on night watch, looked over curiously.

"Not sure, let me do a reading."

Without explaining much, Colin glanced outside the window. The city was brightly lit, much clearer than during the day, but the streets were deserted, almost devoid of people.

Outside the city, everything was dark, pure blackness where nothing could be seen.

On the whole, everything seemed normal and nothing out of the ordinary appeared to be happening.

Based on what he had learned today, aside from Beast Transformation Syndrome, there didn't seem to be anything particularly dangerous in the vicinity, right?

"It can't be that wherever I go, there's a problem. I'm not the Grim Reaper in elementary school..."