Chapter 69 Eating Begins_1

There was no doubt that the man before him was Wo De, yet his face was covered in grotesque wounds. His nose had been bitten off, leaving only two holes, and the various pitted wounds on the cheeks of his face made him look incredibly ferocious...

Facial muscles were directly exposed to the air, as blood continuously flowed from his gory face...

From the traces around the wounds, it seemed they were bites made by a human.

"Hungry, so hungry... I can't stand it..."

"No, can't eat anything, must report the situation to the commander..."

"Hungry, it hurts, my stomach is so hungry..."

"Can't eat anything, can't, mustn't eat, disaster, must alert everyone..."

"So hungry, I, I can't resist any longer, I need to eat! I need to eat!!!"

Muttered whispers came from Wo De's mouth, confused and unclear, as if two personalities inhabited the same body.

Then, he violently pulled out a dagger and plunged it into his own stomach...