Chapter 107 Abnormal Earthquake Drill_1

"Tsk, this damned company. Thought it was pretty impressive when I first joined, but then you realize it gets invaded every so often..."

Colin didn't dare to voice his complaints openly. He just muttered to himself and went back to working on the parchment.

First, he bought six "Decree Book·Fragments" in one go, scooping up all the visible fragments, then started searching for the whereabouts of some of those infamous props through the "Interaction Hall."

Unfortunately, not many people knew about these props...

"Forget it, let's leave it to fate. If I can find them, good; if not, so be it. Time to grab some grub."

Colin shook his head, grabbed a double-sided pancake with mushroom and chicken stew, plus fried a couple of eggs, planning to make do for a meal.

For the past couple of days on the mission, his only source of energy had been compressed biscuits and chocolate...