Chapter 112: Fierce Whirlwind_1

He opened the door, and the anxious community committee lady burst in, cursing and grumbling.

"What time is it, still dawdling, hold tight now..."

As she spoke, she pushed Colin's wheelchair out the door and quickly made her way to the fire escape, running down the slide next to the stairs.

There were also others who lent a hand, holding on to him so he wouldn't go too fast.

But even with a firm grip, the wheelchair nearly slipped away several times.

"You're really getting into your roles..."

Colin felt the wheelchair swiftly glide down the stairs, his eyelids twitching wildly as he nearly fell out multiple times...

Although with his current physique, even if he jumped down from the fifth floor he would be okay, the drifting in the stairwell still made him hold his breath, a bit afraid to exhale.

Fortunately, he lived on the sixth floor, and it wasn't that high, so after a few turns, he arrived at the first floor...

Then, Colin was sped on his wheelchair to the park.