Chapter 120 The Mores Degenerate Day by Day..._1

A cold breath emanated from the ring, gradually calming his mind, enabling him to resist the script arranged by the "Narrator".

"Thankfully, the arrangements of this thing can be fought against, otherwise it would really be troublesome..."

Colin sighed with relief.

So far, he felt that the most challenging aspect of this eerie place was not the willpower, but the resistance to social death...

After all, if the things mentioned above actually happened in reality, they would indeed lead to social death.

"Is this how they train willpower?"

Colin couldn't understand; he had been informed that this "Passionate Paradise" was initially created by Bonfire Company to cultivate something to counter a particular type of anomaly, but after entering, he had faced a few crises, yet he didn't feel significantly trained...

Could it be because he hadn't stayed long enough?

But without thinking too much, Colin's eyelid suddenly twitched, and he saw a line of information appear before him.