Chapter 124 This is a slide that must not be touched!_1

"Dog Brother, spill the details about your special discovery..."

"It's nothing much, just that in the small room next to mine, where my aunt stays, I saw a message that must've been left by a previous employee. He mentioned that unknown dangers could arise tonight, and if we want to survive, we should head to a place called 'Rain City'..."

"Rain City? What's that?"

"I'm not sure, I didn't get the chance to look more closely, my aunt came back..."

Meanwhile, hearing Dog Brother's words, Colin paused, reminded of the note he'd just received—

Could this be the rainy place mentioned on the note?

It mentioned the same location, "Rain City"...

Just as Colin was about to ask for more details, the bell for class rang.

"Damn it, did we even get five minutes of break?" Dog Brother's pretty face showed anger as he cursed softly.

But curse as they might, they dared not delay, hurrying into the classroom and back to their seats, fearing anything that might be triggered by lagging behind.