Chapter 136 Colin Falls_1

At this moment, except for a few areas, the entire "Passionate Paradise" had been enveloped by crimson light.

Among these few areas was the Rain Curtain World, covered by dense dark clouds...

However, as the gaze of that dark red and cold celestial body swept across, crimson light also squeezed into the world beneath the dark clouds.

But once the red light penetrated, it did not last long before being blocked out by the suddenly intense water mist and the eerily writhing black clouds.

Colin, with his head down and eyes closed, felt a heaviness in his body as a line of sight that seemed almost tangible grazed his scalp, causing his brain to bubble and froth like a cola with its cap popped off.

His thoughts were constantly shattered by the dense mass of bubbles, incapable of gathering...

Not only that, but with his fragmented consciousness, he could distinctly sense the emergence of thoughts within him that were not his own.