Chapter 142: The Anomaly on the Armored Vehicle_1

"It seems like it's been quite half an hour..."

The voice of the medical personnel came from beside them, prompting Gao Haiwen to look out the window subconsciously and then frown—

Something definitely wasn't right.

Normally, they should have arrived at the base by now, but the convoy was still on the way.

Gao Haiwen glanced at Dog Brother and the others, waved his hand to signal them to wait a moment, and then gestured for an armed soldier, "Did something significant happen just now?"

"No," the soldier shook his head.

Gao Haiwen pulled out a mobile phone that was obviously two or three times thicker than those of other people, swiped a few times, and opened the map to look.

He could see that the vehicle seemed to have deviated from its intended trajectory, moving on a piece of unexplored territory.

After a few seconds of silence, he asked for the walkie-talkie that had been maintaining communication with the lead armored vehicle, "Pangolin, Pangolin, can you hear me?"