Chapter 149 The Puppet of the "Script Book"._1


[The sudden call disrupted your plans, making you remember certain things. However, you weren't sure about the authenticity of these memories. The rational part of you decided...]

"Damn it!"

Gao Haiwen cursed under his breath, his expression briefly clouded, but he fiercely clenched his teeth, lifted his left hand, and slapped it onto his head. With a strong press of his thumb on the temple, his fingertip broke the skin there, and blood streamed down his cheek. His left eye's white was instantly filled with blood vessels as intense pain hit him.

"What's happening? What occurred?"

"Come over immediately, take some people away from here, they are key to passing messages to the outside world, they are the right people!"

After speaking, he didn't wait to answer more questions, looking around at the other people:

"Stop the car!"