Chapter 167 Force - Repulsion_1

"Repel everything within a fifteen-meter radius, effect range 30m+... This, isn't bad, direct manipulation of physical rules? This series of items seems to have simple and brutish abilities..."

"But why is it still the 'Kingdom in Cards' series? There can't just be these few cards left in the Golden Card pool now, can there? Does this mean that if someone draws a Golden Artifact next time, it's also likely to be a card?"

"Has Bonfire Company recently acquired the estate of some high-level Employee or what?"

Colin rubbed his chin with his right hand, feeling like he had touched upon the truth. Without further thought, he reached out and took out the newly obtained Golden Card.

The card looked similar to "Time Stasis," palm-sized with a black vortex on its back; they were all identical in specifications, differing only in the content on the front...

Instead of a golden clock, the card showed a white transparent sphere that seemed to be expanding outwards.