Chapter 173 Investigating the Status of the "Book of Fate"_1

"Investigating the 'Book of Fate'...."

Colin sharply inhaled, he knew that the 'Book of Fate' Lady Bunny was referring to must be the original, not some disposable prop like those 'Fragments'.

"Yes, we can confirm that the 'Book of Fate,' after going missing in the last invasion, is now in their hands. Although it was once property of the company, it doesn't mean we intend to reclaim it. However, we do need to understand its current status, and possibly, we might even borrow some of its power if we can."

Listening to Lady Bunny's words, Colin let out a small sigh of relief inside.

If he were asked to retrieve the item alone, he wouldn't have considered it and would have outright refused. After all, having just emerged from 'Script City,' he now had a basic understanding of how terrifying an item of this caliber could be.

It was simply not something humans could contend with...

But if it was merely an investigation, that shouldn't be a problem.