Chapter 210: Blood Debt Must Be Tasted with Blood! _1


"This is our institute's second director, Director Chen Guang, and I am the director's assistant. These here are accompanying researchers, Lü Guang, Huo Jinxiang..."

A person clad in a heavy-duty protective suit moved forward to introduce the group to Colin and his people.

However, aside from the deputy director and the assistant whose protective suits were a bit more lavish and bulkier, equipped with some personalized gear, there was really no obvious distinction between them and the rest.

Each individual looked about a meter and twenty at the very least, resembling elongated, oval-shaped balls with legs.

And among this group of people, the man wearing the golden mask and the female representative were present as well.

"Hello, Director Chen Guang..." As the captain of the team, or at least the apparent captain, Qin Chuan stepped forward, greeted the other party with a genial smile, but he did not extend a hand for a handshake.