Chapter 207 "God" is Not Invincible!_1


A drawn-out siren suddenly blared, and Colin and the others saw a piece of skin on the little girl's neck suddenly flash red, suggesting through the skin an implanted chip.

The expressionless little girl with white hair flinched, suddenly looked up, and her eyes swirled with a vivid blood red.

An extremely terrifying aura burst forth from her...

In that moment, the faces of those nearby her changed, feeling as though they were facing not a little girl but a terrifying entity rapidly resurrecting...

"This lifeform's fucking on par with the 'Formless Mother,' and they knew it was dangerous yet still provoked her?"

Colin cursed inwardly, wanting to flee but found his body immobile, and his brain quickly becoming blank as if all memories were being erased by some power.

Being this close to the entity was a serious risk; even the effect provided by the "Purification Heart" seemed barely functional.