Chapter 216: Strike Hard!_1

"Just a piece of rotten flesh, and it's actually been resurrected..."

Colin's gaze flickered across the red eye in the chest of the Ancient God, quickly realizing that this was likely not His original bodily organ.

Without a doubt, it must be the true purpose of the followers of the Red Moon.

"Are these Fishmen really that stupid or just pretending, to believe in the words of the 'Red Moon' followers?"

Colin muttered to himself, unlike the desperate Fishmen seeking any remedy, he didn't believe that the 'Red Moon' believers would sacrifice themselves for a Different Race without reason.

What stood before him must be the result the other party wished to achieve...

At this moment, flames danced around him, sheltering him as he faced the might emanating from the resurrected Ancient God. Even with the use of "The False Powerhouse," he moved prudently and did not rashly advance.

At least for a short time, he figured he probably shouldn't rush forward and deliver himself...