Chapter 236 Don't Shoot, Friendly!_1

[Some corpses that died for unknown reasons might, given the current environment, start to excrete waste due to muscle relaxation in about two hours...]

[Perhaps using some artifacts, such as the "Widow Yukionna," would be a good choice to delay this process.]

[And upon reaching the station, if everything goes as planned, it might be possible to try sacrificing all the corpses to the "Smiling Mountain of Corpses" as a way to deal with them all at once...]


"Tsk, it still has to be the 'Analytical Lens'..."

Colin pursed his lips, feeling that he finally had a decent solution.

The only downside to the aforementioned method was that it might waste one use of the "Smiling Mountain of Corpses".

But that wasn't much of a problem...

Right now, his urgent need for that artifact wasn't particularly high.

With this in mind, Colin immediately took out the Big Eyeball Ring and summoned the "Yukionna".