Chapter 250: The Key to Slaughtering God "_1

"Hiss... official forces always put on quite the show, don't they? But is all this really necessary?"

Although Colin had seen even grander scenes and more advanced equipment in the "Seventh Box Garden World," witnessing it in reality felt different.

"From the moment we returned to reality and made contact with these people, to when we were attacked, then the arrival of the super strong individual, followed by the rest of the personnel... The total time might have only been about fifteen minutes."

Colin silently estimated in his mind; the speed of the support had been very fast indeed.

However, unfortunately, they were still one step slower than that other person—no, that's not right.

"If the official deployment of combat aircraft was slower than the enemy, how could those 'Red Moon' traitors have locked onto our position so quickly and arrived even faster?"