Chapter 347 The Saintess is Greatly Shocked_1

"Really, truly just bringing the five thousand points, just, just, just to exchange for its seven days of usage rights?"

Shana stood up straight, her lips slightly parted, her eyes wide open, her ice-blue pure eyes filled with an undeniable shock.

According to the task "hint," the other party had already given out the points!

Shana looked over the content of the task again to confirm it wasn't fifty or five hundred but five thousand!


This simply made no sense!

And both the task and her intuition were telling her that as long as she agreed, she could immediately get her hands on this massive sum of money that she had never seen before in her lifetime!

"Not even the legacy left by the previous Saint Heir and Saintess amounted to that much."

The Saintess murmured to herself, her face still somewhat distant.

She remembered, when she first got the parchment, it still had some of the predecessors' legacy on it.