Chapter 378 "Mist Gate" Massive Retreat! (9.2K, huge chapter!)_1

In the taskbar, a more detailed event unfolded before Colin's eyes.

[Special Event: All personnel must leave this place by entering the "Mist Gate"!]

"Note: The 'Mist Gate' will be established at the weak point in the mountain's spatial fabric, approximately taking fifteen minutes to manifest and will remain open for forty-five minutes."

"Caution: Please try to leave through the gate as much as possible. If unable to pass through it, certain risks will occur, and it will be at least three months before you can return the same way. There is no upper limit to this maximum period of return..."


"No upper limit to the return period? Isn't that a roundabout way of saying there's a chance you might never be able to return?"

Colin was taken aback; he had thought that once this special event was triggered,

everyone would return suddenly, just like during the previous "Descent Type" event, but unexpectedly, it seemed there was a slight hiccup this time?