Chapter 416 Don't worry, it's basically impossible for anything to go wrong.

'Ah, this...'

'If I didn't know we were on a mission, just by looking at your log, I'd think we were out here sightseeing or on vacation, what with camping and barbecuing and all. Full bellies lead to lustful thoughts, you guys seem to be making good progress…'

'If you'd brought a camera, you'd probably have taken a few 'V' sign group photos.'

Colin was silent for a moment. He was slaving away here while that group was out there having fun…

The people the company recruited this time, it's hard to say how capable they are, but their mindset is pretty solid.

'Speaking of which, the strongest mindset at the moment should belong to that guy in the hospital, calling for help day after day without going mad or suffering a psychological collapse. Just don't know... if that guy is still 'human' or something else now.'

His thoughts drifted for a few seconds, then Colin interrupted the group's 'vacation', asking everyone to be ready.

The big event was probably coming…