Chapter 495 "Lady of Thorns" _1

"Phew, at last..."

Colin silently let out a sigh of relief.

Then, just as he was about to take a look at who this "Former Company Employee" really was and how they could so easily take over, he suddenly felt his body not responding correctly...

From head to toe, there emerged an inexplicable sense of "joy."

An atmosphere of horror far surpassing the aura of "The Night" made its appearance...

Colin's body stiffened, feeling like it might collapse at any moment.

His consciousness began to run wild like an unruly horse, highly disordered!

'No, no, no! This aura, it's not right... Not the 'Lady of Thorns'! Definitely not...'

He struggled to lower his gaze, and now, "Lavinia" was still standing the same as before...

But the demeanor on her body was completely different, with a very powerful consciousness descending.

This "consciousness" was all wrong...

'Please, please don't let it be what I'm thinking!'