Chapter 552: With Great Power Comes Great Debt._2

"I'll sell some more stuff later, should be able to scrape together a few tens of thousands of points to use."

Colin did a quick calculation and felt cheerful, having resolved another hundred thousand points.

The remaining five hundred thousand points...

In the previous month and a half, working with Shana selling golden beans, they split the profits fifty-fifty, Colin remembered that she had also accumulated a solid base, which was on him, about seventy-four thousand or more.

"I'll mention it to Shana later."

Colin pursed his lips, knowing that Shana would most likely be willing to lend, even all of it.

The pressure immediately eased up a lot.

But thinking of Shana, Colin then remembered the "King of Madness." He recalled that even the "Mark of the Fire Tree" could save up some points, so the "King of Madness" might have some too, right?

"It is a high-ranking being, after all... Forget it, being caged up, it probably doesn't have any, and even if it does..."