Chapter 556 "Light" Saintess Shana's Gift._3


Resolving the issue actually wasn't particularly difficult.

After Colin completed the "Thorn World" mission, he had discussed this matter with the "Thorn Lady" who disliked wearing shoes, inside a carriage.

Her advice was just to speak plainly.

Whatever problems might arise, whatever could happen, if there was an opportunity, just directly speak about it in advance.

You need to express your intentions clearly and explicitly, without too much euphemism, otherwise, people will wildly misinterpret them.

As for the Church's "Gods" encountering challenges...

There's no need to pay special attention to it.

After all, they don't really need to create a supreme Church with absolute faith; they aren't pursuing that believers must feel they are absolutely supreme, absolutely omnipotent...

Having been a "World Administrator" for countless years and with ample experience, the "Thorn Lady" quite dismissively told him: