Although he sensed something was wrong, there was no time to think further. The woman, seemingly bolstered by "God-given" power, charged at him again.

Yukionna immediately defended, blocking all attacks for the slightly dazed Colin.

After several clashes, Colin seized the moment and mocked her a few more times, causing the woman in the grey cloak to become more deranged:

"It's all his fault! He is the one who ruined the world, who disrupted the Master's descent and thwarted a beautiful future. The disaster should never have happened…

"Why! Why! I just want to kill this sinner. Why does everyone stand in my way!"

Amid her frenzied screams, her attacks grew more extreme, even seemingly reckless.

She began to forego all defenses in her wide swings.

This allowed Yukionna another opportunity. She froze her solid and then summoned the "Mountain of Smiling Corpses" to swallow her up and crush her to pieces.