Chapter 19: Explanation

Hafiz listen to Afnan explantation while he eat now he just a civilian and yeah look like he somehow find not guilty he also didn't understand how but judge already said it and Hafiz trying to make sense of his story Aliff help Afnan and Afnan agree but why Aliff do that to help Afnan it doesn't make sense

"Well we never guess but thank for food"

Afnan leave and Hafiz finished his meal and return to his apartment tomorrow he gonna move to much better place he like it than whatever this apartment had

"Well i already packing tomorrow ask them to move my stuff to my new home and everything gonna be alright"

"That it?"


"Well i like you being this far but yeah you know what now?"

"What your point actually?"

"You meet Liya back and got a new fancy condo unit but somehow everything is a downfall now with Afnan do now is free man but yeah don't get comfortable it probably beginning with Aliff and Menon and of course Jon and remember Liya not your she already being poke by lot of strangers and Jon haha"

"Are you done?"


"Great sigh well this is beginning to new my peaceful life i didn't care what going on but me living in silence is my dream"

"You do you after all"

'Voice' disappear after that and Hafiz sleep tomorrow he got lot of job


Hafiz finally move out and paid few buck to a guy who help him move carry his old furniture and now he need to think what to add to his new house and of course the gold money gonna do something good for house at least

Hafiz call Menon

"I already move out and enter the condo it nice"

"Well you the one who ask me to so and yeah"

"Now about my money"

"Don't worry I'm gonna transfer the money evey month until it finish"


Hafiz end the call and now he explore the unit and he happy with it and after that he got into bath and get ready for his shift when he arrives to station he being greet by Iman and Iman confused why Hafiz look happy but didn't ask anything when two of them got into ride and Hafiz look around and Iman started to break the silence

"What happened?"


"You look happy"

"I am?"


"Nothing particular"

"Are you on drug?"

"No heck no"

"But people at station said you took drug"

"Well they said something like huh"

"Well before you arrive actually they said something a lot about you"


"Well all story sound bizarre so i look on internet it true that you use to be killer people rent"

"That old story"

"I think it a lot actually yesterday you are dickhead but somehow nice to me"

"Well kid what you heard at station mostly true I'm really a mess"

"Well they said your interrogation technique basically a torture of a person and use fear you can do that huh but are you not feel guilty about it?"

"Guilt a lot I feel but of course it my job"

"Do you had any regrets during your merc you kill people?"

Hafiz stop the car and lit his cigarette and offer Iman one of cigarette whic Iman refuse

"Not a smoker huh well regret told me what i got from cigarette what i did already happen"

"But don't you feel something about murder a living thing and the living thing is human something that same species as you"

"Well that a question i can't answer"

"I see but how you can be free guy now since joining foreign army is illegal right that including the merc and somehow now you are police"

"Well they find nothing about me when my merc got disband all the personal information about us we burn all of it the only proof they got just few pictures and eye witnesses and i got a lawyer that help me to let me out from that mess"

"So a lawyer huh but that didn't something right why he protect you despite you did wrong thing"

"Huh that long story"

"So yeah that it i want to ask"

Iman throw his phone to Hafiz and he manage to grab the phone

"Write your number"

Hafiz smirk and type his number inside the phone and gave back to Iman

After a while Hafiz just drive around without any problem today just patrol around and Iman get back to his already and Hafiz at station just had few conversation with Cheng

"How about the kid?"

"Iman? Well he good kid with strong moral ground"


"Yeah he actually got a hope to not turn into people like us"

"Ah well that good to hear well drive safe to your house you got new house right?"

Hafiz laugh

"How you know?"

"Well you change your mail address already so yeah i know it and i see the house it nice"

"How you can afford it?"

"I got my way?"

"Well any dirty money involved"

"You can say that Cheng but it not money from bribe at least just my time during merc"

"Well that good to know so if someone detect this from HQ itself how you gonna explain to them how suddenly you got new house that well expensive"

"That my problem and it already"

Hafiz got into his bike and drive away

"Not even a single word" said Cheng

Hafiz drive and suddenly


A gunshots and it near to hit Hafiz

"What the hell?!"

Hafiz push his bike to fast he can for his safety when Hafiz feel it already save he stop his bike

"What the hell is that who shoot it?"

Hafiz didn't manage to look where the gunshots came from Hafiz mind just to escape the place now Hafiz feel little dizzy with it he nearly die and suddenly a call coming from Hafiz phone and he pick it up

"Unknown number"

Hafiz accept the call


"Hello Mr Hafiz"


"Well yeah that me"

"What you want?"

"Nothing particular so you got my surprised?"

"So you shoot me?"

"No it my underling"

"Why you do that trying to get me kill?"

"Relax Mr Hafiz it didn't hit you right?"

"So what this? Are you threatening me?"

Aliff didn't speak but voice from the phone now creep Hafiz out it just static and sound very raspy voice


"Go to this location i send the address"

"What if i didn't want?"

"You had lot of question right especially about Afnan"

"You think use Afnan can get me to obey you?"

The phone suddenly weirdly silent and suddenly

"Hmmmpl hmmmpplll"


"I got my plan B so get here before else okay?"

"You shouldn't mess with...."

The call end without any warning and Hafiz get inti his bike and get to location which Aliff send to him

To be continued