Chapter 25: New friend?

Next day Hafiz get to station and being greet by Hana

"Hello good morning Hafiz"

"Please don't disturb me"

"Ohhh i disturb you?"

Hana smirk and suddenly someone enter the station and Hafiz smile look at him

"Hey Iman are you okay now?"

"Well it not bad my sister nagging me a lot"

"Heh she just over protective you"

Iman look at Hana

"Who is this?"

"Well Iman she my new partner introduce Detective Hana"

Hana look at Iman and wave to him while smiling

"Nice to meet my name is Hana"

"Iman my name is Iman"

Iman look at Hana and look at Hafiz

"What?" Said Hafiz

"If she now with you so how about me?" Said Iman

"Well you didn't get any order right?"

Iman nod

"Well that mean you still with me and that mean you still my errand boy hahahah"

Hafiz stroke Iman head and laugh


Hana look at Iman

"So what you working with Hafiz right?"

"Yeah it just recently his old partner had some sort of problem after that well he got me"

"So is he good in your perceptive?"

Iman look at ceiling and look like he thinking of something and he talk

"I don't know but he actually caring about me to be honest doing stupid stuff he were a dickhead guy but i really don't know what he towards to and yeah he use to save my life once"

"I see heh so you know he past?"

"Hmmm why you ask?"

"Nothing but look at me you seem hiding something from me"


"You know something about Hafiz right you are his partner so told me is he corrupt?"

"No i don't know but i don't think he taking bribe last time people trying to bribe him he just knock the guy out and leave"

"Is he abuse his power?"

"I don't know what you keen to knew about him that much"

"His past and his eye i saw everything he a sick man he disturb about himself eye of killer"

"What you mean?"

Iman heart rate gone through roof now

"You also seem hiding something about him"


"Are you scared of him? Are you feel thank to him?"

"Huh" Iman seem confuse

"You are confused now and you thinking am i go crazy now?"

"No i mean no Miss Hana"

Hana slam the table and it startled Iman

"L I A R you scared now but you not scared to Hafiz i assume but instead to me just for what for simple few questions"

"I don't know" Iman is in brink to break

"I see you really kind boy your eye you never accept the wrongdoing thing that good i guess but are you now thinking we all can change?"

Iman can't find any word he thinks Hana is gone crazy and suddenly Hafiz get inside the room with few chicken rice and some drink

"Hey i get you two lunch hahaha i said to Iman he be my errand boy and now i the one who spend the money and go out to buy this hehehe"

Hana demeanor change immediately she now look sweet and Iman face confused and his heartbeat like trying to pumping everything out

"Thank Hafiz you kind guy so whatever those people talk about you around the station is lied huh?" Said Hana

"Heh you can said that let eat" said hafiz

Hafiz put the food at Table and saw Iman

"Come on eat Iman"

Iman startle at first

"Oh o okay"

Hafiz look at Iman and guess there something wrong

"Hey are okay?"

Iman want to talk and he notice Hana glance at him

"No I'm okay let just eat"

"Sweet well those rice not cheap damn the economy really bad now with inflation and stuff if our country enter the recession well we all fuck ahahaha you knew what I'm saying"


Iman now with Hafiz at the bathroom

"So what are you thinking about that girl?" Ask Hafiz



"Ouh Miss Hana huh she seem kind I guess.... I think she crazy"

"What you mean?"

"You know when you out buy us lunch she ask so much question about you she seem pushing about me push me to break she like really had control to me"

"Well what she ask?"

"Many things to are you taking bribe, are you abuse your power and your past since I'm your partner just that it"

"Well i think she had problem she manage to creep me out when i first time see her but don't worry everything gonna be fine trust me"

"Well since you know i know about you now with Menon"

"Heh well you knew my dirty stuff"

"But why you do that i don't understand you don't care about money and i never see you taking any bribe"

"Well it long story after all he use to help me and i help him that all"

"I see well i want to know more about you to honest"

Hafiz turn his head towards Iman after he finished clean his hand

"What are you gay hahahahah"

Iman not amused by it

"I swear I'm gonna kill you"

"Relax just a joke well your sister ask me to took care of you now"

"Tch you with my sister i don't want to imagine that"

"Come on you be my brother in law it gonna be great hahahah"

"Shut up!"


Hana point few stuff on the table

"So here which Lines Gang hideout since the record they use to drug your friend right?"


"So they gonna be our first target"

"Yeah so what you want to do?"

"Me? No it you"


"You do this for me you insane enough to take care of them right?"

"You want me to enter their hideout and gain much proof as possible?"


"And you stay at behind and stay safe?"


"So you want me to put my life in line meanwhile you stay here and safe, are you messing with me?"

Hana walk towards Hafiz and smirk

"Listen i know it sound unfair and i didn't care and remember you thinking i that selfish you probably right and of course like you very clean right? You already did once"

"What are yoy trying to said?"

"Come on Cheng is easy to break especially leave me alone with him for 2 hour you snap when they make your friend as experiment"

"How you know?"

"Cheng easy to break everybody easy to be read except you sociopath"

"You call me sociopath?"

"Come i knew you hate those guy they make your friend what is name Afnan as experiment they probably not manufacturing it but they got it from someone and you also still mad with your another friend in hospital what if i told you they had involvement with your little friend just thinking we clean the city from them after this nobody get hurt"


"Good boy"

"You very manipulative"

"You notice that huh?"

"Yeah and you knew too much even you just know me yesterday"

"Come Hafiz or i must call you Leader of blood hound"

Hafiz eye widen

"How i never told anyone that how?"

Hana just smiling and she didn't said anything Hafiz leave the room immediately

He feel tight on his chest

"I'm screw"

To be continued