Chapter 87: An Inauspicious Start

Yang Yi was assigned to a single cell, a privilege usually reserved for the most dangerous inmates, which he now enjoyed.

Actually, being in solitary confinement was hardly a good thing. Humans are social animals, and prison was boring enough already. Being isolated for long periods could drive a person mad.

However, Yang Yi was quite pleased to have a room to himself for the time being, as he had not yet reached the point of boredom.

Yang Yi was excited, incredibly excited, because he had seen Zhang Yong. He was now just waiting for the exercise yard time, when he would have a chance to meet with Zhang Yong. Then he would have achieved the main goal of his incarceration.

The wait was excruciating, but the moment the exercise bell rang, Yang Yi immediately stood at the cell door.

The end of his ordeal was finally in sight.

As the cell door opened, Yang Yi immediately stepped outside, then saw the other inmates one by one leaving their cells and standing at their doors.