Chapter 208 Shortcut

The name was set, the nickname was set, and what followed, of course, was to set the action plan for the Organization of Water.

Yang Yi was the boss, but the person calling the shots now was Mike. There was no help for it—Yang Yi was a tenderfoot, after all.

Mike slowly said, "The Organization of Water is in the founding phase—we have a lot of work to do. The first and foremost task is to establish a hacker team, or let's say a professional computer team, however you want to call it."

Curiosity piqued, Yang Yi asked, "A team? Do we need that many hackers?"

"Of course, we're in the digital age now, and a lot of intelligence can be directly gathered from the internet, so a good hacker team is crucial."

"I mean, is a team necessary? Do we need that many hackers to make it work?"