Chapter 319: Within Reach


The hospital uses blood plasma with anticoagulants for transfusions, so it doesn't clot. Without anticoagulants, the plasma would quickly coagulate due to the action of platelets.

Yang Yi understood this, but he still didn't understand why it had to be human blood plasma.

"Can't we use animal blood? Just buy some anticoagulants and add them in, it would be much cheaper. Besides, medical blood plasma is very precious, it's not good to waste it, right?"

Brian glanced at Yang Yi and said, "No, we use human blood plasma, purchase it in batches. Don't buy too much the first time, two gallons will be enough."

Two gallons is more than seven liters, over seven thousand milliliters of blood. And it's well-known that medical plasma is expensive, very expensive!

Mike frowned and said, "Let's use animal blood instead, it's too expensive!"

Brian shrugged and said, "If you want the best effect, you have to pay the price. It's up to you to decide."