Chapter 697: Just Simple

Chris let out an impatient sigh and then spread his hands towards Yang Yi, "Buddy, of course I know the difficulties we're facing. But as you just heard, Pyatov has a legitimate reason to ask for more money, more than we planned to give. If this were a robbery, then I wouldn't be asking you. But this is business, so I need you to think of a solution!"

Pyatov looked almost touched by the scene.

Yang Yi thought seriously for a long time, then shook his head and said, "Why don't you just kill him and we steal the goods? Paying two million really isn't worth it. I think it's not worth it. Sure, the cannon is worth that much, but this deal itself isn't worth it, boss. I really insist on a maximum of one million US dollars. That's the price we agreed on."

Chris seemed really anxious now.

"Fuck! Fuck! You're the money guy. Am I asking you to teach me how to do business, huh?"